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Pleb Say #12

Pleb Say #12

This months Pleb Say we went through the ins and outs of Bitcoin Mining with our special guest speaker, Will Ramirez of Mining Syndicate.  We explained and went into detail of what Bitcoin mining really is, and how it works providing examples of what hashing actually is aka proof of work, talked about the ESG narrative that we see constantly attacking bitcoin, flare gas mining in the oil industry, how bitcoin mining is good for people and the environment, also on split shares and other services that Mining Syndicate provides for the 99%. Signal was high at this past meet up with the Plebs asking some awesome questions as well! We'd like to thank Will and Mining Syndicate for giving us their time, and also for providing everyone in attendance with a split share of their mining software, to let the plebs see what it really is like to obtain kyc free bitcoin through Mining Syndicate! Also a huge shout out to Geekdom for allowing us to use their facilities to host the monthly Bitcoin Club meet ups! Looking forward to next months meet up, as we sit down with Crowdhealth and talk about the healthcare industry April 13, 2023!
