Pleb Say #7

Tick tock next block, another month another meet up, with the weather finally cooling down we changed up venues to keep it fresh! Special thanks to Alamo Beer Co. for hosting us the night was awesome, as we had new members show up in search of signal and they found it! Questions were answered, laughs were had, and signal was high! We encourage all to attend if anyone is curious and we do it all for free no charge just show up! They say the best type of information is free information! We also want to give a special thanks to our partners at Mining Syndicate for sponsoring this last one, they are the official mining source for SABC. At this last meet up they gave away free shares of their new split shares program! Now you can mine without the hassle of hosting best part of it all is they are located here in the great state of Tejas, and invite any and all to go and visit their headquarters up in Dallas, Tx where you can actually speak to someone and see your miner in action! Look out for next months meet up! All meet ups are held on the 2nd Thursday each month with this next one being back at Alamo Beer Co. in November! Till then stay humble and stack sats!